adhesion strength of coated fabric 涂层织物的粘合强力
rubber coated fabric 胶布 ; 橡胶涂覆织物 ; 涂橡胶织物
Thermal stability of coated fabric 涂层织物之耐热性
cellophane-coated fabric 赛璐玢涂层织物
microporous coated fabric 微孔涂层织物
neoprene coated fabric 氯丁橡胶涂层织物
latex-coated fabric [橡胶] 胶乳布
nylon coated fabric 尼龙涂覆织物
Pvc coated fabric To exist, you should have a passport to this living world.
The new coated fabric used for membrane is made by multi axial warp-knitted fabric.
Coated fabric: fabric by dip-coating made of PVC or other plastic processing of products.