Yangzhou Jiangwang Color-Printing Factory 公司名称 coating color ink-jet printing paper 浅层气浮系统 HUANGHUA JIYI PACKING &COLOR-PRINTING FACTORY 黄骅市基艺包装彩印厂 ..
It was summarized that the study of the current situation and the prospect of the improvement of color ink-jet printing paper, in the country and abroad, and the study of color and quality of coating.
The coatings for digital color ink-jet printing paper were prepared using nanometer SiO_2 and PVA as pigment and binder. The coating formula also included cationic additives.
以纳米二氧化硅为颜料, PVA为胶粘剂,添加阳离子助剂,制备了数码彩色喷墨打印纸专用涂料。