... 妇女长睡衣 négligé; negligee 妇女长外衣下摆 coattail 妇女代表会 women's representatives, meeting of; women's conference ...
coattail effect 西瓜效应 ; 燕尾服效应 ; 衣裾效应
Coattail cutting 燕尾切
coattail effects 上衣后摆效应
Coattail catastrophe 燕尾突变
Will we allow our national character to continue to erode on the liberal coattail?
Here is a research on the performance of Minitype Fly - ash Built-up blocks — coattail combined blocks.
Introduces the applying results of free bolt self-standing welt and coattail antiwear cast steel tiny lining tile in type of DTM ball crusher.
介绍无螺栓自固衬板及燕尾形耐磨铸钢小衬瓦在DT M型球磨机上的应用效果。