新开业的COCO park(购物公园),半年前,经常会去那看一些时尚店面的装修风格,如今已经开业,很多著名的,特色的食店占据了很大的面积.JUSCO也入住进来.
The COCO Park 星河购物广场
Coco Park Restaurant 星河餐厅
Coco Key Water Park 可可中心水上乐园
Coco Ecological Park 可可生态园
If you like shopping, the Mix City and Coco Park are good choices.
If you like shopping, the Mix City and Coco Park are good choices.
So it was shocking to pull up a chair at Coco Park—a shopping mall in Shenzhen that's so expensive that I couldn't afford most of the things sold there—and be unable to access my Facebook page.
因此,当你在coco park拖了把椅子坐下发现你登不上你的facebook主页时是有多震撼,那是深圳一家顶级的商场,那里卖的东西我大部分都买不起。