词定义 中文名称: 收缩系数 英文名称: coefficient of contraction 定义: 收缩断面面积与原断面面积之比。 应用学科: 水利科技(一级学科);水力学、河流动力学、海岸动力学(二级 ... 断面收缩 细颈,断面收缩,缩颈,细颈现
... 固结系数 Coefficient of consolidation 约束系数 Coefficient of contraction 扩散系数 Coefficient of diffusion ...
coefficient of contraction for orifice 节流孔收缩系数
principal coefficient of contraction [数] 主收缩系数
Temperature coefficient of contraction 温度收缩系数
coefficient of contraction of nozzle 喷嘴收缩系数
coefficient of contraction heat transfer 对流换热系数
contraction coefficient of char 半焦收缩系数
Coefficient of sudden contraction 骤缩系数
Because of the always-outdated statistical data in the calculation of GDP contraction coefficient currently, we still adopt CPI indicators to measure the degree of inflation.
Sensitivity coefficient obtained from calculation can represent how much the internal temperature variation and contraction affects the early crack of concrete structure.
Last, the temperature contraction coefficient and dry shrinkage coefficient of porous concrete are advanced.