...判 )破裂前,一般一国会就某个问题用书面通知对方,限定在一定时间内接受其条件,否则就采取某种coercive measures(强制措施),比如..
administrative coercive measure 行政强制措施 ; 详细
coercive measure against the person 人身强制措施
criminal coercive measure 刑事强制措施
investigative coercive measure 侦查强制措施
administration coercive measure 行政强制执行
criminal coercive measure research 刑事强制措施研究
coercive measure in administration 行政强制措施
coercive measure in civil suits 民事强制措施
coercive audit measure 审计强制性措施
The value of coercive measure in civil suits has seldom been paidattention to by scholars for a long time.
参考来源 - 论民事诉讼强制措施的价值·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
If a consular officer should decline to give evidence, no coercive measure or penalty may be applied to him.
Custody is the carrier of detention and arrestment coercive measure, which is important to investigate and solve a case.
According to the necessity and proportion axiom of the application of coercive measure, the person conducting minor criminal cases are generally free form arrestment;