Cost of Goods Sold (COGS): A method for working out the direct costs of your stock sold over a particular period.
...评级,维持目标价21.05港元。 包装成本压力缓和 德银称,据最近消息,纸箱价格自3月初以来一直在下滑,造纸供应商库存不断增加,需求依然疲软。该行估计,纸箱成本约占润啤主营业务成本(COGS)的20%。 因此,纸箱价格疲软将缓解公司成本压力,并有助于其更好地实现利润扩张目标。
Evil Cogs 恶魔齿轮 ; 邪恶的齿轮 ; 邪恶齿轮
Pre-Cogs 预测人
Total COGS 卖出货物总成本 ; 总销货成本
Cogs and Cowboys 齿轮牛仔 ; 齿轮和牛仔
Rear Cogs 飞轮
Cogs HD 奇想齿轮
mystical cogs 神秘的齿轮
Catalan cogs 加泰罗尼亚齿
COGS Cost Of Goods Sold 工厂制造成本 ; 销售成本
N-COUNT A cog is a wheel with square or triangular teeth around the edge, which is used in a machine to turn another wheel or part. 齿轮
PHRASE If you describe someone as a cog in a machine or wheel, you mean that they are a small part of a large organization or group. (大型机构或组织中的)小人物 [v-link PHR]
Mr. Lake was an important cog in the republican campaign machine.
N-COUNT a tenon that projects from the end of a timber beam for fitting into a mortise (木工)凸榫
If the cogs don't mesh correctly, the gears will keep slipping.
Run them through the cogs and wheels of the language machine, let it arrange them in some very special orders.
Players are not cogs in a machine that is controlled by someone else.
The cogs are spinning now?