uv coherent radiation 紫外相干辐射
xuv coherent radiation 极紫外相干辐射
spatially coherent radiation 空间相干辐射
non-coherent radiation 非相干辐射
VUV coherent radiation VUV相干辐射
non coherent radiation 非相干辐射
Blue coherent radiation 蓝色相干辐射
coherent radiation pulse 相干辐射脉冲
forward coherent radiation 前向相干辐射
The two photons go off together as coherent radiation .
Therefore, ZGP has been approved to be an ideal nonlinear laser crystals for generating tunable mid-infrared coherent radiation.
The generation of the coherent radiation in a conventional laser results from the transitions between the quantum states of the electrons, which are attached to the atoms.