cold chain [制冷] 冷链 ; [制冷] 冷藏链 ; 链物流 ; 冷冻链
cold chain system 冷冻链系统 ; 冷链系统
Cold Chain Logistics 冷链物流 ; 物流 ; 冷链
Cold-chain Transportation 冷链运输
Cold Chain ASIA 亚洲国际冷链设备及技术展览会
food cold chain 食品冷链
Swire Cold Chain 商太古
proof cold chain 耐冷链条
vaccine cold chain 疫苗冷链
Cold chain room 冷链室
The system required to deliver a vaccine is called the “cold chain,” so named for the set of facilities that keep a vaccine cold as it is distributed from the manufacturer to the people who need it.
Like any chain, a cold chain is only as strong as its weakest link.
Trained health workers, proper cold chain function, and surveillance are all necessary to ensure vaccines reach every child who needs them.