cold rolling 冷轧压 ; 冷轧 ; 冷态卷板 ; 冷压延
single-spindle cold rolling former 单轴冷滚压成型机
cold-rolling sheet 冷轧钢板
cold rolling rimmed steel sheet 沸腾钢冷钆钢板 ; 高强度底合金钢板
cold rolling killed steel sheet 镇静钢冷轧钢板 ; 平静钢冷轧钢板 ; 沸腾钢冷钆钢板 ; 不锈钢板镇静钢冷轧钢板
double roll reversing cold-rolling mill 双辊可逆冷轧机
cold rolling mills 冷轧工厂 ; 铝冷轧机
Cold Rolling Fluid 冷连轧液 ; 冷轧液 ; 冷轧流体
planetary tube cold rolling mill 行星式冷轧管机
And next year it hopes to complete the construction of a cold-rolling mill near Vietnam's ho Chi Minh City, and an automotive steel-sheet plant in Mexico to supply General Motors and Hyundai Motor.
It can not only be used as slab and sheet, but also as raw and processed materials of cold rolling, weld tube, and cold banding beam.
It can not only be used as slab, but as raw and processed materials of cold rolling, weld tube, and cold banding beam.