The low numerical value distribution of these two types trace elements in the Aeolian sand facies represents erosion and accumulation under wind force during the cold-dry climate.
这两种类型元素在风成沙中呈现的含量低值揭示了其时干旱寒冷气候作用下 风力的侵蚀 搬运与堆积作用;
Being at a high altitude, Shanxi Province has a cold and dry climate and has an annual rainfall of between 400-600 millimeters.
处于高海拔地带,山西的气候寒冷干燥,年均降水量在400 - 600毫米之间。
External factors: life region climate, dry, cold working environment air is dust, chemical gas pollution, alcohol and tobacco, spicy food stimulation, are easy to long-term chronic pharyngitis.