Asset Manager is an asset management solution for collaborative software development.
Asset Manager是一个协作软件开发的资产管理解决方案。
Victor Palau added that the application of game theory becomes pretty obvious in collaborative software development where the collaboration is based on trust.
Victor Palau补充道,博弈理论在协作式软件开发中的应用变得越发明显,那种协作是建立在信任的基础之上。
Remote clients come in many forms (Figure 1), with the quintessential one being an IDE with integrated Jazz support, driven by a user engaged in collaborative software development.
远程客户端具有多种形式(图 1),典型的形式是带有集成的 Jazz 支持的 IDE,这种形式由用户参与的协作软件开发所推动。