Commonwealth Development Corporation 英联邦成长公司 collateral bond 担保债券 charge upon general revenue 从当局个别支出中拨款付出 ..
... 有担保债券 secured bond ; mortgage bonds ; guarantee bonds 抵押品担保债券 collateral bond 优先无担保债券 Senior unsecured debt ...
... 有担保的债权 secured claim 有担保的债券 collateral bond 以指定的公司财产作担保的债务 secured debenture ...
Collateral Bond Obligation 担保债券权证
Collateral Trust Bond 债券 ; 证券担保信托公司债 ; 附属担保品 ; 抵押信托债券
collateral income bond [金融] 有担保收益债券
bond collateral loan 债券抵押贷款 ; [金融] 债券抵押借款 ; 债券担保贷款
collateral mortgage bond 担保抵押证券
bond collateral loans 债券抵押借款 ; 债券担保贷款
security collateral trust bond 证券抵押信托债券
collateral l bond 抵押品担保债券
bond collateral 担保债券
And if bond markets failed in their vigilante role by treating Greek sovereign debt as if it were German, the ECB did just the same when it came to the collateral it accepted for lending to Banks.
For extra safety, the pool contains more collateral than the value of the bond.
Why not use the much-heralded stability fund as collateral for a European Brady bond plan that puts an end to the sovereign debt saga?