德州农工大学柯柏斯?克里斯提分校 ... * 护理Nursing 5、科学和技术学院College of Sciences and Technology * 生物Biology ...
科学与科技学院College of Science and Technology 农业、环境与动物科学School of Animal, Rural and Environmental Sciences 生药与自然科学School of Biomedical and Natural Sc...
以上来源于: WordNet
This is a college of science and technology, the students of which are trained to be engineers or scientists.
In Hunan Vocational College of Science and Technology, Shin Shin sponsored 104 teachers to participate in the teachers training program smoothly.
欣欣出资赞助的104位师资培训,也在湖南科技职业学院 顺利举行。
Well, women now make up the majority of college and grad school students, even in many areas in science and technology traditionally considered to be men’s domains.