... collegiate court system 合议庭制度 collegiate system 合议制 collision cost 碰撞事件诉讼费 ...
这一体系比较独特,叫做学院制(Collegiate System),其最大特点是权力分散,各个学院自行负责经费、教学、研究,大学只是负责把各个学院结合一体,像牛津大学的校长主要也就做做出...
The Collegiate System 形散神不散的学院制
collegiate system in administrative litigation 行政诉讼的合议制度
collegiate court system [法] 合议庭制度
collegiate court system detail 合议庭制度
Collegiate Bench System 合议制裁判
In 1570 and 1636, Cambridge and Oxford promulgated their own statutes, which were the sign of the establishment of the collegiate system of Oxbridge.
What we have just mentioned above is collegiate system, which is used by a great many British universities, such as the University of Oxford and the University of Cambridge.
To some extent, the formation of the collegiate system of Oxbridge was an automatic process, and it related to the characteristics and the cultural tradition of English nation.
牛津、剑桥大学 学院制的形成基本上是一个自发的过程,它与英格兰的民族特性和文化传统有关。