色彩效应×平面设计(Color in Graphics),译者:黄钰岚 编者:西班牙MAOMAO出版社,上海人民美术出版社, 来源:新华书目报、全国大中专教学用书汇编(教目)
Color in Computer Graphics 色彩与电脑绘图之应用
No longer does a clunky interface suffice; now we expect flashy graphics, moving images, color-coordinated presentations that would look good in any room in the house, and speedy rendering to boot.
See my "Graphics programming with libtiff, Part 2" article on color imaging with libtiff for more information on this topic (see the link in Resources below).
有关该主题的更多信息,请参阅我所著的关于用libtiff处理彩色图像的文章“Graphics programming with libtiff, Part 2”(请参阅下面的参考资料中的链接)。
Image above: the entire bathroom has a stark black-and-white color palette, so texture and graphics play a really big part in keeping the space interesting.