timed colored Petri nets 时间着色Petri网 ; 赋时着色Petri网
time colored petri nets 时延的有色petri网
fuzzy colored Petri nets 模糊赋色Petri网
object colored petri nets 对象有色petri网
hierarchy colored petri nets 分层有色petri网
controlled colored petri nets 受控有色petri网
hierarchical colored petri nets 层次颜色petri网
timed and colored petri nets 赋时着色petri网
object-based colored petri nets 对象有色petri网
It proposes a method to formalize and analyze workflow with SoD constraints based on Colored Petri Nets (CPN).
参考来源 - 工作流系统的访问控制模型及其安全性分析的研究discrete event systems,supervisory control,Petri nets,controller,inequality constraint,constraint transformation,OR logic, hierarchical control,Synthesis,colored Petri nets,finite capacity place,inhibitor arc,enabling arc
参考来源 - 离散事件系统的Petri网控制器综合·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress