iodine-starch colorimetric analysis 碘淀粉比色法
colorimetric analysis 色度分析 ; 比色法 ; 比色分析 ; 比色定量分析
mtt colorimetric analysis mtt比色试验
rutin colorimetric analysis 芦丁比色法
starch colorimetric analysis 淀粉比色法
visual colorimetric analysis 目视比色分析
terminal colorimetric analysis 终点比色法
chemical colorimetric analysis 化学比色法
Methods According to the AQC procedure of analysis water quality evaluated precision and accuracy of colorimetric method.
The figure of regression equation of linearise turned from the functional equation of exponential curve is the best line to express the correlation of exponential curve in colorimetric analysis.
Method Phenol-sulfuric acid colorimetric analysis is employed.