... All these things will这些东西会 Come to you in time到时候你们 On this journey that youre making这漫长的旅程使youre ...
A breeze would come to you from time to time as if God was shaking a cattail leaf fan in the distance.
How many times I have told you to come back in time to help me cook dinner?
In Britain you may often hear "Drop in any time" or "Come to see me soon", but you can't really do that.
Any time two orbitals come straight on together in that internuclear axis, you're going to have a sigma bond.
This time you're a doctor in an emergency room and six patients come to you.
So many of the people we'll talk about, whether it's Bob Fredrickson who we'll talk about in a few minutes, David Cooper whether it's David Cooper we'll talk about, Martin Seligman whether it's Martin Seligman of course, will come there and present to you and you'll be spending quality time in small groups with them.