International Commercial Litigation 国际商事诉讼
Advanced Commercial Litigation 高级商业诉讼
Complex Commercial Litigation 复杂商业诉讼
Corporate & Commercial Litigation 公司和商业诉讼
The firm hastaken on Tyco’s commercial legal work for a fixed fee, and will receive a bonusif it improves its client’s satisfaction by 35% and reduces litigation againstTyco by 15%.
这家律所以固定收费的方式承担了Tyco的广告法律事务。 如果能将客户的满意度提高35%,并将针对Tyco的诉讼减少15%,那么事务所会得到额外的奖励。
We are experienced American attorneys with expertise in various aspects of business and commercial law and litigation.
Negotiation, arbitration, and litigation are the three primary ways to resolve commercial disputes in China.