common library function 普通库函数
Common Library Approach 公共模块库
Common Control Library 通用控件链接库 ; 控件
Common Dialog Box Library 通用对话框链接库
Common Portability Library 通用可移植库
common object model library 公共对象模型库
Common Language Runtime Library 语言运行库 ; 公共语言运行库
Common Controls Library 通用控件库
Common Contral Library 通用对话框链接库
The most common use of library computers by teenagers was to do homework.
The module-specific class loader for module 1 finds a reference to another module (the common objects library) and loads that module.
When then the module-specific class loader for module 2 loads its module's code and finds a reference to another module (again, the common objects library) it loads that module.