... put to the touch 考验, 试验, 检验 common touch 和人民息息相通, 平易近人的态度 easy touch 有求必应的人, 容易受骗的人;轻而易举的工作;可轻易击败的对手 ...
the common touch 平易近人的品质
ø common touch 平易近人的特性
nor lose the common touch 伴王行走
popular for his common touch 亲民的
touch common interest 涉及共同利益
以上来源于: WordNet
Voters like a candidate who has the common touch.
For all his technocratic brilliance, however, Gamal desperately lacks any hint of a common touch.
Mr Blankfein may be the son of a postal clerk, but it would be stretching it to say he has the common touch.
You know it. I've never walked with kings though so I don't have to worry about losing the common touch because I'm not walking with kings.
So, I think that kind of thing. You should read that poem : Student: I like the line where it's if you can be in a crowd but not lose the common touch -that's my favorite line Mr. Carl Icahn: That's right. If you can walk in a crowd and still not lose the--if you can walk with kings and not lose the common touch.