ground poultry » 地面家禽 communicated » (动) 沟通, 感染, 传达; 交流思想; 通讯, 通话; 交际, 交往; 连接, 相通 I like her the first time I saw her » 我喜欢她我见到她的第一次...
communicated fire 二次火灾
Over-communicated 传播过度
documents communicated 文件通知 ; 文件传达 ; 提交文件
Communicated insanity 感应性精神病
be communicated to the offeree 传达到受益人 ; 到受盘人
Communicated by 被传达的由 ; 由通知 ; 通知
Information communicated to 信息传达者
Communicated Ability 交流沟通能力
communicated text area 通信文本区
Domino server and Lotus station can communicate through Lan and Wan.
参考来源 - 办公自动化系统中基于Domino的网络技术的研究The chapter six is the strategies of communicate the city’s image of Chongqing.
参考来源 - 重庆城市形象传播战略与媒介策略The analysis of the dialogues in A Dream o Red Mansions with Gu Yueguo’s politeness principle shows that the characters communicate following the principles of our traditional politeness principles,full of pragmatic meaning.
参考来源 - 以顾曰国礼貌准则看《红楼梦》对话艺术Therefore, it is necessary to communicate them two.
参考来源 - 关于我国国家法和习惯法的几点思考·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
"Please communicate this message to all employees"
同义词: pass on pass pass along put across
"He communicated his anxieties to the psychiatrist"
同义词: intercommunicate
"communicate a disease"
"The rooms communicated"
"He and his sons haven't communicated for years"; "Do you communicate well with your advisor?"
同义词: commune
以上来源于: WordNet
V-RECIP If you communicate with someone, you share or exchange information with them, for example by speaking, writing, or using equipment. You can also say that two people communicate. 交流
My birth mother has never communicated with me.
Officials of the CIA depend heavily on e-mail to communicate with each other.
communication N-UNCOUNT 交流 [oft N 'with/between' n]
Lithuania hasn't had any direct communication with Moscow.
...use of the radio telephone for communication between controllers and pilots.
V-RECIP If one person communicates with another, they successfully make each other aware of their feelings and ideas. You can also say that two people communicate. 沟通
He was never good at communicating with the players.
Family therapy showed us how to communicate with each other.
communication N-UNCOUNT 沟通
There was a tremendous lack of communication between us.
Good communication with people around you could prove difficult.
V-T If you communicate information, a feeling, or an idea to someone, you let them know about it. 传达
They successfully communicate their knowledge to others.
They communicated entirely by gesture.
My birth mother has never communicated with me.
We communicated mainly by signs, gesticulation, and mime.
"The only allegations against her was that she communicated with a Russian official through a laptop to laptop communication, without the government specifying the nature of the communications."
VOA: special.2010.07.10
Yeats said that the voices that he communicated with on the other side gave him "metaphors for poetry."
So something new, something different was being communicated in this story.