...交网络,能有如海星组织般传播复制企业行销、品牌讯息的特质, 已使企业端开始设立「社群经营长CCO(Community Chief Officer),网路广告 中介商如达摩、Google AdSense、雅虎奇摩关键字行销等,明星部落客也出现了「经 2 纪人的需求等,部落格的未來商机...
He's also planning to appoint a chief technology officer and has pledged to get true broadband to every community in the country.
"A few years ago we weren't necessarily seen by the creative community as the place to be," says Tom Staggs, Disney's chief financial officer, "but now that has changed and people want to work here."
Michael Bolingbroke , United's chief operating officer, said: "We believe that being a responsible football club means being part of our community in the widest possible sense."