community of common interests
... 《北京折叠》 Folding Beijing 利益共同体 community of common interests 统筹国内国际两个大局 keep in mind both the domestic and international situations ...
community of common interests
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The two countries need to advance practical co-operation in various fields and build a strong community of common interests.
New challenges hold out the prospect of opportunity, but only if the international community breaks down the old habits of suspicion to build upon common interests.
Community exploitation: the seeding and exploitation of community interaction in a value-net, leveraging the collapsing cost of reaching individuals and identifying common interests.
Although foreign policy is still about national interests, "we also recognize we must advance those interests by developing a community of nations in which people can share in common values, " he said.
CNN: Rice: Thousands of errors in Iraq
The Hillsborough Agreement was to the benefit of the entire community and it was time for all parties to put aside their political positions in the interests of the common good, said Mr McGuinness.
BBC: Policing and Justice motion
The vital interests of the United States, of our friends and allies in the region, and of the entire international community are at risk, and the United States will act accordingly to protect those common interests.
NPR: In Policy Shift, U.S. May Meet with Iranians