comparative and international education
教育研究方向 Comparative and International Education (比较教育学) / Education Policy Studies (教育政策研究),专业具体名称根据不同学校会有所不同。
... 体育开发与绩效研究中心 Athlete Development and Performance 比较与国际教育研究中心 Comparative and International Education 土著研究中西 Indigenous Research Collaboration ...
comparative and international education
以上为机器翻译结果,长、整句建议使用 人工翻译 。
Among his major publications are studies on education planning, international and comparative education, intercultural and international dimensions of education, internationalization of educational policies.
UNESCO: Quality in educational policy: Research and foresight
The effort to gather expertise, and call to the relevance in this matter culminates with the launching of the book "International handbook of Comparative Education" organized by Prof.
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The seminar aims to discuss the main achievements and challenges of teacher training, through the analysis of international experiences in education as well as discuss the Comparative Education in the context of the needs for improvement of basic education teachers.
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