2.绝对成本理论的局限性 2 比较成本理论(Comparative Cost Theory) 及其对国际贸易成因的解释 一、假设条件 二、主要论点 按“两优取其重,两劣取其轻”的原则进行国际分工,劳动生产率 不同的两个...
tests of comparative cost theory 比较成本说验证
the comparative cost theory 比较成本理论
motional comparative cost theory 动态比较成本理论
Ricardian comparative cost theory 李嘉图比较成本理论
theory of comparative cost [经] 比较成本理论 ; 比较成本说 ; 又称比较成本说 ; 成本理论
Curve of excess supply and international equilibrium price in Ricardian comparative cost theory are teaching content, important and difficult.
Abstract: Based on the transaction cost theory, establish the EPC contract mode and the traditional mode transaction cost model, and make a comparative analysis.
Transaction cost theory analyzes the formation and change of firm boundaries from cost Angle, firm capability theory adopts comparative advantage method from income Angle to analyze then.