...olidays make vivian a dull lady » 所有工作,并没有长假期,使VIVIAN沉闷的老太太 complete the setup wizard » 完成安装向导 i find that if study for tests throughout the school year » 我发现,如果在整个学年的试验研究 ..
...with tears,she told me a sad story » 泪水,她告诉我一个悲伤的故事 complete the setup wizard » 完成设置向导 she said i don't want to set down a series of facts in a diary as most people do.
Setup Wizard is not complete. Do you really want to exit the Setup Wizard?
On the Summary page of the Jazz Team server setup wizard, you can create more user accounts or create a new Jazz project, or simply click Finish to complete the server setup (Figure 4).
在Jazz Team Server安装向导的安装概要总结页面上,您还可以创建更多的用户帐户或创建一个新的Jazz项目,或者简单地点击Finish来结束服务器的安装(图4)。
The Home Networking wizard will restart to complete your setup. Completing setup includes detecting and creating shortcuts to other computers and locating network printers.
将重新启动家庭网络向导以完成设置。 完成安装包括:检测并创建到其它计算机的快捷方式和定位网络打印机。