070 中文名称:复变函数 英文名称:Complex variable function 先修课程:高等数学或数学分析 选课对象:软件工程 教 材: 《复变函数》 ,余家荣,高等教育出版社,2000 年 3 月第三版 主要参考书:1.《复变函数论》
several complex variable function 多复变函数
complex-variable function method 复变函数法
complex variable function theory 复变函数理论
complex variable function method 复变函数方法
theory of complex variable function 复变函数论
the complex variable function method 复变函数法
function of complex variable [数] 复变函数 ; 复变数函数
The ground motion of a isosceles trapezium hill under SH wave is studied in this paper based on methods of wave function expanding, complex variable function, moving coordinate system and by employing idea of assistant function and conjunction.
参考来源 - SH波入射时等腰梯形凸起结构的地震动·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
Computation of the complex integral is very important content in teaching complex variable function.
In this paper, the method of complex variable function is used to solve the scattering problem of a circular hole by SH wave in an anisotropic medium.
By using of complex variable function and integral equation method, the antiplane multiple holes and cracks problem of half plane region is considered in this paper.