... minimum complex polygon method 最小凸多边形法 complex variable method 复变数法 ; 复变函数方法 Complex Optimum Method 复合形优化方法 ...
the complex variable method 复变方法
elastic complex variable method 弹性复变方法
complex variable mapping method 复数绘图法
complex variable FDTD method 复变量时域有限差分法
complex-variable function method 复变函数法
complex variable analytic method 复变函数方法
Based on complex variable method, the general solutions of the problem were derived.
The complex variable method analytic solution of stress is given for the plane elastic stress problem of surrounding rock of shallow circular tunnel under ground load.
The scattering of SH-waves by a shallow buried cylindrical elastic inclusion with a partially debonded curve in half space is studied by function of complex variable method.