...之完成这一函数集.3)给定一自动机 (aut011进ton)行为确实切描绘,结构这一自动机本 身.4)给定一可计算函数(comPutable function),找 出计算它地一种方法,或编制相应地程序. 上述例子触及离散数学.
effectively computable function 能行可计算函数
partially computable function [数] 部分可算函数 ; 部分可计算函数
quintuple Turing computable function 五元组杜林可计算函数 ; 五元组图灵可计算函数
predictably computable function 预测可计算性函数 ; 预测可算函数
logic for computable function [计] 可计算函数逻辑
semi-computable function 半可计算函数
Markov computable function 马尔可夫可计算函数
Elementarily computable function 初等可计算函数
real number computable function 实数可计算函数
There have been developed various kinds of models such as the computable function model, predicate word calculus, Turing machine, algebra model etc. in the related fields. Each model has its one advantage and limitation.
参考来源 - 程序正确性验证的几个问题·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
以上来源于: WordNet
Computable logic function (LCF), ML and the parallel theory (CCS) which highlighted three areas and perfect.
In this paper, the computable model and function of pounding between the suspended part and the core-wall of the suspension structure was brought forward.