-10 中文名称:(美国版)计算机爱好者英文名称:Computer Power User别名:CPU Magazine内容简介:Computer Power User (CPU Magazine)一本难得的来自海外的计算机软硬件杂志,内容丰富详实,
计算机爱好者美国版(Computer Power User),Computer Power User (CPU Magazine)是一本计算机软硬件杂志,由Sandhills Publishing 出版的月刊,总部设在美国Nebraska州。
power user computer 行家用的计算机
以上来源于: WordNet
More recently, H-P in 2008 launched an EliteBook line of laptops that lets the user access email, calendars and contacts without having to power up the computer.
When an user accepts to run Plura code on his computer, the Plura applet downloads a small piece of a distributed algorithm and computes some values when computing power is available.
当用户同意运行在他的电脑上运行Plura代码时,Plura applet就会下载一小块分布式算法并在计算资源可用时执行计算。
Graphics User interface (GUI), a new computer technique, is widely used in power network simulation to realize man machine interaction with graphics interface in application programs.