Con Air 空中监狱 ; 惊天动地 ; 地面监狱 ; 空中牢狱
con air Corporation 美康雅集团 ; 美康雅集时尚发型团
con air Corp 康耐尔集团
con air UK 英国康奈尔公司
Con air http 空中监狱
air-con 空调 ; 亚森松岛 ; 空调制冷
AIR CON 空调继电器 ; 空调 ; 空气
Air-con system 空调系统
And the air-con system on the 2010 Prius (which confusingly was released in Japan last month and is due for release in the UK on 1 August) is more efficient to boot.
Turn off air con: a car engine generates enough pollution without having to power an onboard air conditioning unit.
It was a very hot afternoon, I was in an air-con bus.