... Concrete-Wall 混凝土墙壁 concrete masonry wall 空心砌块墙 compound concrete shear wall 复合混凝土剪力墙 ...
reinforced concrete masonry wall 混凝土砌块加筋墙
small concrete masonry shear wall 砼小砌块剪力墙
reinforced concrete masonry shear wall 配筋砌块砌体剪力墙
masonry concrete shear wall 砖混剪力墙
As a new structure which has the performance of masonry and concrete, the reinforced concrete masonry shear wall has been used more and more recently.
The analysis of the test results show that the masonry wall filled with foaming concrete can increase cracking-resistance, and load-bearing capacity, and improve strength of walls'.
Concrete block masonry forms the lower level wall finish and is finished with a coat of white paint to express the construction technique used.