... 有条件的, conditional 有条件转移 BRC BRanch Conditional ; BRD BRanchConditional 有条件应答 CR Conditional Response ...
operant conditional response 操作性条件反射
conditional emotional response 条件性情绪反应
conditional avoidance response 条件性回避反应
conditional asymmetric response 条件非对称反应
Conditional E emotional response 条件化情绪反应
同义词: conditional reflex conditioned reflex acquired reflex conditional reaction conditioned reaction conditioned response
以上来源于: WordNet
In Pavlov's conditioning experiments with dogs, salivation at the sound of a bell is the conditional response.
For example, listening and speaking method accords with Skinner's Stimulation and Response theory, holding that study is formed through reinforcement and conditional response.
Much of the supportive international response to September 11 was therefore conditional.