... Email address:邮箱地址 confirm Email:确认邮箱地址 referrer:推荐人,也就是我yuqing,不要随便修改,否则系统有可能会认为你是在作弊 ...
Confirm Email Address 确认电子邮件 ; 确认电子邮件地址 ; 确认邮箱地址 ; 再次输入电子邮件
Confirm Email Delete 确认邮件删除
Please Confirm Email 请确认电子邮件
Please confirm email address 请确认电子邮件地址
confirm Email Adress 重复邮箱地址
Confirm Email Addres 邮箱确认
Confirm Email AddressCF 美服注册下载教程确认电子邮件
Alertpay Confirm Email AddressAP 帐户
Confirm Correspondence Email 确认电子邮件通信 ; 确认通讯电子邮件 ; 确认信件邮箱 ; 证实书信电子邮件
After a user submits the details, she receives an email to confirm her signature. Once the petition is complete, the creator can export the full details.
The only way for us to confirm that the user email is in fact valid would be to send an email to the supplied email address.
Click Yes to confirm the email address to be removed from the Blocked Senders list.
单击Yes以确认将要从Blocked Senders列表中移除邮件地址。