acne conglobata 聚会性痤疮 ; 聚合性痤疮 ; 性痤疮 ; 聚合性青春痘
acute febrile ulceriative acne conglobata 溃疡性损害形成阶段
acute febrile ulcerative acne conglobata 性聚合型痤疮
severe acne conglobata 严重聚合性痤疮
Objectives To observe the clinical effect of "Xiaotuobu Jiehe Decoction" in the treatment of acne conglobata.
Conclusion: The comprehensive therapy of combining traditional Chinese and western medicine was an effective therapy in treatment of acne conglobata.
Conclusion C1indamycin in combination with prednisone is an effective method for treating acne conglobata with shorter period of treatment.