最近,Bloom等[2]利用卫星监测估算的自然湿地甲烷年排放量为167 Tg,并且发现非洲刚果河(Congo river)和南美洲亚马逊盆地(Amazon basin)是全球湿地甲烷的主要
Love of the Congo River 刚果河之恋 ; 开普敦一夜
The Raging Congo River 刚果河在怒吼
The Congo River 刚果河
Congo River Adventure Golf 刚果河冒险高尔夫球
River Congo 而又不为人知的刚果河
同义词: Congo Zaire River
以上来源于: WordNet
The Congo River is located in Africa.
A river of Zaire flowing about, 448 km (900 mi) northward to the Congo river.
The Inga I and II dams on the Congo river have generated a fraction of the power they were meant to.
刚果河上的Inga I 和II大坝,已有的发电量只有他们当时设想的发电量的零头。