conservation and environmental studies
Computer Science 计算机科学 Conservation and Environmental Studies 环保和环境研究 Construction Engineering and Technology 工程建设和技术 ..
保护和环境研究 | Conservation and Environmental Studies 环境和海洋科学 | Environmental and Marine Sciences 环境研究 | Environmental Studies .
博士 环境科学| Environmental Sciences 博士 保护和环境研究| Conservation and Environmental Studies 博士 环境和海洋科学| Environmental and Marine Sciences ..
conservation and environmental studies
以上为机器翻译结果,长、整句建议使用 人工翻译 。
Ketura is also home to the Arava Institute for Environmental Studies, which runs courses on water conservation, sustainable agriculture and renewable energy.
BBC: Kick back on a kibbutz
The state Department of Environmental Conservation has conducted studies of the Mohawk River basin since the 2006 flood and has been working on a program involving soil and water conservation districts and the Army Corps of Engineers.
WSJ: Homeowners sue NY over $4.6M in flood damage