-- 一致性原则(Consistency principle) 指丌同时期的会计程序和计量方法保持一致,如资产计价方法、 折旧方法,递延帐项的处理方法等,要求前后保持一致,以利亍 对丌同...
Novikov self-consistency principle 诺维科夫自洽性原则
the consistency principle 一致性原则 ; 一贯性原则
prediction-reconnaissance consistency principle 预测普查一致性原则
Novikov's self-consistency principle 诺维科夫自洽性原则
information consistency principle 信息一致原则
principle of consistency 一贯原则 ; [会计] 一致性原则
Implication Theory and Consistency Principle 蕴涵理论与一致性原则
The principle of Consistency 一贯原则 ; 一致性原则
To ensure the implementation of the consistency principle, the fund management companies shall establish relevant internal control mechanisms.
This universal consistency among education experts indisputably demonstrates an immutable principle of learning: initiative and correct methods are fundamental to academic success.
That will demand not just guile and a sharp instinct for survival, but other, more noble attributes, including consistency and principle.