rational construction 结构合理 ; 合理建构法 ; 澴
rational construction state 合理施工状态
rational construction scheme 合理的施工方案
rational construction organization 合理的施工组织
and rational construction period 合理工期
Thucydides Rational History Construction 修昔底德的理性历史建构
In the end Plato could not see himself living a private life of the mind; he felt that he had to make his contribution to the construction of a rational and just society.
If you want to augment your modeling efforts with more automated support for software construction, I recommend IBM Rational software Architect, another one of the recently announced tools.
如果想使用更多自动支持来为软件构建增大建模力度,建议使用IBM Rational Soft ware Architect,它是最近宣布的另一种工具。
In this article, you learned about the roles and the functions that Rational development and construction products play during your project's life cycle, including examples of the tools in action.