management consulting firm 管理顾问公司 ; 管理咨询公司
reservoir consulting firm 油藏咨询公司
engineering consulting firm 工程咨询企业
Yale Business Consulting Firm 雅鲁商务咨询事务所
brand management consulting firm 品牌管理顾问公司
Cost Consulting Firm 造价咨询事务所
Recruitment Trainee in Consulting Firm 猎头培训生
Mercer consulting firm 咨询机构美世
Century education consulting firm 世纪学人教育咨询公司
I was talking to Mary the other day and she mentioned that your new consulting firm is doing really well.
I was talking to Mary the other day, and she mentioned that your new consulting firm is doing really well.
"Nobody wakes up in the morning and says, 'Let's be nicer,'" says Itsik Cohen, director of a consulting firm.