... consumer panel 消费者特定小组 consumer perception 消费者知觉 consumer preference 消费者偏好 ...
... 竞争情况/竞争范畴competitive frame/frame of reference 消费者认知consumer perception 消费者利益consumer benefit ...
...按照品牌价值(Brand Value)、营业收入(Brand Revenue)、广告宣传费用(Company Advertising)和消费者认可度(Consumer Perception)等综合因素进行排序。
... 感知的社会支持 perceivedsociing support ; perceived social support 消费者感知的 consumer perception 不可感知的 nonperceptible ...
Consumer Perception Fit 消费者知觉契合度
Consumer perception of quality 顾客感知质量
consumer expectation-management perception gap 期望的服务与管理者对顾客期望的服务认知
It's "mainly because there is so much concern about consumer perception," he says.
Consumer perception of the product's use by children, including its reasonably foreseeable use, will be evaluated.
Apple would rather have 25% market share with consumer perception of it being the luxury brand, rather than being the sales leader.
苹果旨在成为一个优质品牌。 亨特。布林克利:根据苹果作为其高档品牌的消费理念,苹果宁愿只有25%的市场份额,而不是成为销售冠军。