contact poison 接触毒物
Contact Poison I 一级接触之毒
residual contact poison 残效接触毒
contact dermatitis due poison vine 毒葡萄藤致接触性皮炎
contact dermatitis due poison oak 槲叶毒葛致接触性皮炎
contact dermatitis due poison ivy 毒长春藤致接触性皮炎
contact dermatitis due poison sumac 沼泽漆树致接触性皮炎
A new study of reefs in the South Pacific suggests that some algae can poison coral on contact.
And if a child swallowed poison, 85 percent would know whom to contact.
For external use only. Keep out of reach of children. If swallowed, get medical help or contact a poison control center right away.