...contact potential difference;step potential difference;resistance reducing agent;deep well earthing;deviated[gap=202]关键词:接地电阻;接地装置;土壤电阻率;接触电位差;跨步电位差;降阻剂;深井接地;斜井降阻技术 ...
... contact potential: 接触电势,接触电位 contact potential difference: 接触势差 contact printing: 接触印刷,接触印制 ...
摘要:接触电势差(contact potential difference) 两种不同的金属相互接触时在它们之间产生的电势差。产生接触电势差的原因是:⑴两种金属电子的逸出功不同。
... 接触时间 contact period 接触位差 contact potential difference 接触辐射 contact radiation ...
internal contact potential difference 内部接触电位差
intrinsic contact potential difference [电] 固有接触电位差
cpd contact potential difference 接触电位差
max contact potential difference 最大接触电位差
max-contact potential difference 最大接触电位差
contact potential difference method 接触电位差法
maximum contact potential difference 最大接触电位差
We have made a novel instrument for the measurement of work function using contact potential difference method.
The photoelectric characteristics of conducting polymer MEH - PPV film were studied using contact potential difference ( CPD ) method.
用接触电位差( CPD ) 方法研究了导电聚合物MEH -PPV薄膜的光电特性。
The photoelectric characteristics of conducting polymer MEH-PPV thin film were studied using contact potential difference (CPD) method.
用接触电位差(CPD)方法研究了导电聚合物meh - PPV薄膜的光电特性。