...词:椴树;组织培养;污染控制;青霉素;链霉素;84消毒液 [gap=899]Key words :Tilia ;plant tissue culture ;contamination control ; penicillin ;streptomycin ;84 disinfector ...
...氧对人体的危害;中和带正电的空气飘尘无电荷后沉降,使空气得到净化。 玻镁净化板洁净技术,即玷污控制(Contamination Control)技术。指的是:对象(产品、人及动物)在被加工、处置、治疗、防护及实验等过程中,对其所处环境内玷污物(影响对象的加工、处置、治...
洁净室施工及验收规范JGJ71—90(4)_静电控制(ESD Control)&无尘净化(Contamination Control),elee的网易博客,喜欢魔兽,热爱生活,开心工作,拥护老婆~,村里娃,
american association for contamination control 美国控制污染协会 ; 美国污染控制协会 ; 美国防污染协会
radiation and contamination control 辐射与污染管理 ; 辐射与污染控制
contamination control station 污染控制站
Contamination control Engineer 沾污控制工程师
Contamination Control Engineers 污染控制工程师
Contamination Control & Air-Conditioning Technology 洁净与空调技术
improve contamination control standards 提高污染控制标准
Chinese Contamination Control Society 中国电子学会洁净技术分会
The basic theory of oil contamination monitoring was investigated, including oil contamination control, filtration, oil contamination constant power measure, etc. The whole design project was confirmed, and the work theory of the system was dissertated.
参考来源 - 油液污染在线监测系统的研究与软件平台的开发·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
以上来源于: WordNet
This paper expatiate the establishment method of hydraulic system contamination control mathematical model on the basis of predecessor's research results.
The work done in present study provides a good basis for further investigations on cleanroom, such as airflow distribution, contamination control , and innovation design.
Simultaneously, establishes the theoretical foundation for the following research in contamination control just in the condition of the definitude of pollution standards used by this instrument.