他指出,自然语言基本上属于上下文无关语言(context-free language)。经过进一步的研究,Chomsky改变了他原来关于自然语言基本上属于上下文无关语言的论断。
... context 语境 context-free language 语境自由语言 [上下文无关语言] context-sensitive language 语境限定语言 [上下文有关语言;上下文敏感语言] ...
deterministic context free language 确定性上下文无关语言
kontextfreie Sprache context-free language 上下文无关语言
linear context-free language [计] 线性上下文无关语言
Fuzzy context free language Fuzzy上下文无关语言
linear context free language 线性上下文无关联语言
Max-product Fuzzy Context-free Language 最大乘积型Fuzzy上下文无关语言
probabilistic context-free language 概率上下文无关语言
以上来源于: WordNet
Bill Venners: Is a pattern language like having a context free grammar, and from which you can make a whole bunch of programs?
Bill Venners:模式语言是不是像一门上下文无关的语法,你可以用来编制相同类型的程序?
Finally, you can design your own programming or domain-specific language with the help of ANTLR Studio, which lets you create context-free grammar definitions based on the ANTLR framework.
最后,您可以在ANTLR Studio的帮助下设计您自己的编程语言或特定于域的语言,ANTLR Studio允许您基于ANTLR框架创建上下文自由的语法定义。
The context free grammar (CFG) was applied broadly in the automatic syntactic parsing of natural language processing.