Statistics show that, as far as calculating the rate of increase of imports of consumption, China last year and this year's steel production increased ore requirements are imported. In this regard, a senior LU Hong fluid control experts said that the emergence of the root causes of this situation is that China's domestic iron ore production continue to lower the grade, the cost of rising iron ore prices can not rise or circumstances, continue to increase production.
His production continue to increase 他的生产额不断地上升
So, those plants will remain,” he says, and anticipates that as corn yields continue to increase over the next decade there will likely also be similar continuous growth in corn ethanol production.
因此,这些植物将不会收到任何影响。 可以预见,接下来超过十年的时间,玉米地将继续增加,玉米乙醇的生产也将得到相应的增长。
The attempts to increase production with the use of oil-based fertilizers, insecticides, and herbicides cannot continue as oil grows scarce, and in any case, its effects on the land are harmful.
They continue to look for better ways to increase egg production and to improve chick survival rates.