连续滴注 (continuous feeding):通常借助肠内营养泵于20-24小时连续性滴注。多数病人对这种方式耐受较好,危重病人尤其是放置空肠喂养者常用此方法行肠内营养。
continuous feeding method 无停食饲育
Continuous feeding machine 连续式上料机
continuous feeding culture 连续流加培养
continuous feeding of scrap 连续加料
fed-batch with continuous feeding 连续流加分批发酵
Rolling-typed continuous feeding system 滚压式持续送料系统
Continuous Document Feeding 续文档进纸 ; 连续文档进纸 ; 手动连续文档进纸 ; 持续文档进纸
Continuous alkali-feeding method 连续加碱法
feeding continuous 连续进料
The biogas digester with the structure can realize continuous feeding and continuous gas production.
That has needed continuous feeding with a diet of ever decreasing interest rates and ever increasing consumer debt to survive.
The rotary kiln can continuous feeding and discharging, so the processing of massive materials, can demonstrate its superiority.