... control-bus 控制总线 control system bus 控制系统总线 CIB Control Interface Bus 控制接口总线 ...
measurement and control system bus 测控总线 ; 测控系统总线
measure-control system bus 测控系统总线
field bus Control System 现场总线控制系统 ; 控制系统 ; 现场总线节制体系 ; 现场总线控制
bus system control [计] 总线系统控制
field bus Control System-FCS 控制系统 ; 现场总线系统
BSC Bus System Control 总线系统控制
CAN-bus control system CAN总线控制系统
control system Inner Extending Bus 控制系统内部扩展总线
system control bus 系统控制总线
SERCOS digital servo control system bus interface design and development of high research value and practical value.
These actions can be security configuration changes, key and certificate management, access control policy changes, bus and other system resources management, and so on.
But sorting out Transantiago will be a long haul: it is dogged by a shortage of buses and bus lanes, and the satellite-navigation system supposed to control bus schedules is not working.